Grow in knowing Jesus as you learn from God’s word, share and pray together in a small group each week.
Why Growth Groups?
"Growth groups provide an opportunity for us to share, encourage and pray for one another and our community. It is a time when we can delve deeper into God's Word and apply it to our everyday lives."
Rachel P - Growth Group Leader
"For me, Growth Groups are the heart of church life, offering the opportunity to deepen relationships with other church members, and with God, as we study the bible and pray together."
Steve P - Growth Group member
With men’s, women’s, mixed and international groups on various days and at various times, there’s bound to be a group for you.
Which Growth Group is for me?
Wednesday 9:30am
Thursday 9:15am (with child minding)
Thursday 9:30am
Wednesday 8pm
Thursday 2pm
Monday 7:30pm
Tuesday 10:00am
Wednesday 7:30pm (3 groups at different locations)
to be confirmed
I want to find out more about growth groups
Fill out this form and we’ll be in contact soon.