Explore Jesus
Jesus is the most significant figure in all history. And if the claims made about him are true, it will have a massive impact on our lives today… and for eternity.
Who is Jesus?
Time magazine once referred to Jesus as “the most persistent symbol of purity, selflessness and love in the history of humanity”.
Judging from the many references to his teaching which have entered into our everyday language, his impact on our world is immense.
Even after all this time, we still cannot fit Jesus into a box. He is destined to stretch our imaginations, confront our beliefs, and challenge our lifestyles.
Find out who Jesus is and why for 1000’s of years, millions of people have followed him, and their lives have been transformed.
At St Alban’s we want to live for Jesus and love like Jesus. We believe that Jesus is the most significant person in history. In fact, we believe that he is God himself. We believe that he died in our place and rose again to life to bring us forgiveness and new life. He is vital for our lives today and into eternity.
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Jesus died for us because he loved us, and wanted to fix our biggest problem: sin. Sin describes our broken relationship with God, and the serious consequences for this.
God made us. And how do we, as a human race respond? We ignore God. Oppose God. Fail to thank God. Refuse to listen to God. Forget we depend on God.
This attitude toward God is described as sin, and the Bible describes people who sin as sinners. No one escapes this description.
God explains in his Bible that everyone has sinned and fallen short of his glory (Romans 3:23). The consequences for this are very serious: the “wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). Everyone who sins deserves the death penalty. This presents God with a terrible predicament. God is just and God is loving.
When we are wronged or observe wrongdoing, we demand justice. And yet, when we are do wrong, we cry out for mercy. God knows our predicament. He knows we need mercy, and he does something incredible. God is the judge who says: “What you have done is wrong and deserves punishment. I will be punished instead of you.”
God’s love doesn’t excuse our wrongdoing. God’s love deals head-on with our wrongdoing. As God, Jesus is of infinite worth and his death covers over all sin for all who call on him for mercy. At the same time, because Jesus is also human – the only human to never sin and to be free of the penalty deserving of sinners – he represents all of us, and dies on the cross in our place.
This is how God proved His love for you. Jesus was punished so that we can go free. Jesus died so that instead of receiving justice, we would receive mercy and be restored to enjoy life with God forever.
Why would Christ need to die for us?
We would love to introduce you to the one person who has changed our lives for ever. Jesus has transformed the lives of millions of people over the last 2000 years.
If you would like to investigate these claims about Jesus then we would love you to attend a 6 week course called Alpha.